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 Vic Historic Titles format discussion

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 17 Apr 2011 : 08:58:04 AM
It has been put to me a number of times that the HMRAV committee consider a different format for this event.

Do you have any thoughts please?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 21 Apr 2011 : 4:52:45 PM
Darren and revhd.
The survey is a good idea and I will put it to the committee to send out for Winton and the Southern Classic. We garner information from more than just thsi site and we had talks at the trcak.

I can say we choose to race at Broadford for three reasons;
- Winton and Phillip Island cost a lot more
- There have been issues at the other tracks
- We think its important to support the track we own.
OldKwak Posted - 21 Apr 2011 : 2:00:31 PM
Well said Darren
john feakes Posted - 21 Apr 2011 : 12:22:16 PM
John D, you and I know from previous experience that most competitors won't voice an opinion. They seem much happier when told what is happening.
revhd Posted - 21 Apr 2011 : 10:49:20 AM
Darren is correct this web site does not have enough traffic to give u the feed back u need ,the only way is to contact all riders and your members with a flyer asking thew questions you want answered,easy.
I think you will find most people will want the format changed to multi race championship,i think 3 race is enough ,more might be a bit hard on the older bikes.
One thing the qualifering should be more than the one session we got this year not enough time to set up gearing jetting etc. or make it a 3 day event.
bigdazoz Posted - 21 Apr 2011 : 08:41:53 AM
Hello Mr. Daley

With regards your questions re the Victorian Historic titles why don’t you survey the riders from the past say 3-5 years this has been run.

Your club should have the Mailing address of every competitor that has competed…

Please remeber that most folk dont frequent web formums as often as others, some time not at all….

Make up a simple printed return mail flyer i.e. post prepaid return.

You pay the post office when these are returned to you….so if folk don’t reply its only cost you mail one way…..

Questions could be: (of course delete or add some these are some of my suggestions)
1: Are you happy with the current format of the Victorian Historic Titles
Yes…………. No…………….

2: Do you think that the Titles race should be run across how many races over the weekend: 1 2 3 4 5

2: a Your ideal format for ALL competitors ……………………….

3: As Victoria has more than Broadford race track do you think we should alternate between Broadford, Phillip Island and Winton for the Victorian Historic Titles …
Yes……………. No…………
Go to Q4 Go to Q5

4: If yes to above do you think it should be which of the following

Broadford …..Phillip Island…Broadford…Winton..Start again
So alternate back to Broadford every Second year

Broadford…..Phillip Island…….Winton……start again
Or where we go to other tracks equally…..

5: Would you consider paying any extra ( $50 ???) if we made the Vic titles a 3 day event , Fri sat Sunday . with more Practice and Qualifying and maybe an extra race? Yes …..No……..






Last Q: Please add your thoughts to what you would like to see the HMRAV do to improve the Victorian Historic Titles for All competitors.

Of course I guess there are lots of other questions.

Why not give it a try.

A simple matrix in EXCEL will give you a survey result


Sent 1200 flyers to the previous competitors
Received 245 by return mail
Received 155 by hand delivery
NONE received Verbally

Total return: 30%


Q 1: 50 % Yes 50 % No

Q2: 1 Race 10%. 2 race 20% 3 race 40% 4 race 25% 5 race 5 %

And so on and so forth?

Hope this helps

Regards to All

john Posted - 20 Apr 2011 : 10:36:41 PM
JF you are correct.
Some of the riders are asking taht we change it.
My committee wants lots of support for a chnage before they will do so. So write letters to me at HMRAV
184 Through Rd., Camberwell, Vic 3124.
john feakes Posted - 20 Apr 2011 : 1:44:31 PM
It is this one race sudden death thing that is, in my opinion, the problem.
It separates the "serious" races from the "not so important" races.
Would it not be better to make every race a "serious" race and determine the championships by the points scored across all the races?
john Posted - 18 Apr 2011 : 7:02:12 PM
The current system in volves your place in one race only.
john feakes Posted - 18 Apr 2011 : 4:39:58 PM
I think I may have caused some confusion with my response.
What I am suggesting is that there be 3 lots of races which ALL count towards the titles rather than the current system of only one lot of championship races on Sunday.
Cheers, John
NicM Posted - 18 Apr 2011 : 2:01:48 PM
Why not 3 legs on Saturday as there is now and 3 on Sunday for the title?
john feakes Posted - 18 Apr 2011 : 12:22:55 PM
I would definitely like to see the three legs adopted and have all the Sunday afternoon races as championship rounds to stop people packing up early.
Perhaps run parades at lunch time to try to bring out some exotic machines for a gallop too.
conker Posted - 18 Apr 2011 : 07:04:26 AM
Perhaps your questions gave the impression that they were intended to elicit answers to promote 'more of the same'?
john Posted - 17 Apr 2011 : 7:12:32 PM
We did have a conversation last year, but we did not get an overwhelming response to my questions. The committee needs more proof people will support a change along those lines. Please speak up
Geoffpgrant Posted - 17 Apr 2011 : 6:31:06 PM
Didn't we have this conversation last year? I reckon the outcome was that many people suggested that titles should be decided over a series (at least 3) races across the weekend. I reckon I went a bit further and suggested that all races across the weekend should contribute points to the title and I will add now that I reckon the last race of the weekend should attract title points as well. My objective is to make sure that the winner competes all weekend and is not one of those who just 'pick the eyes out'.
And just for the record - I found it really tough having to miss the Vic Titles this year!
Sicecar #30
revhd Posted - 17 Apr 2011 : 11:20:46 AM
Over three legs ,one Saturday two sunday will give a better result, and better racing in my view.

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