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 2011 Queensland Historic Road Race Championships

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David Posted - 09 Apr 2011 : 05:47:39 AM

THE MOTORCYCLE SPORTSMEN OF QLD. INC. hereinafter called THE CLUB will conduct the 2011 Masters of Morgan Park for solo & sidecar races at MORGAN PARK RACEWAY, on Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th June 2011. All racing will be in a clockwise direction using the FULL CIRCUIT. This meeting will incorporate the 2011 Queensland Historic Road Race Championships and the 2011 National BEARS Challenge.

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Bummers Posted - 17 May 2011 : 8:45:45 PM
The Queensland Historic Championships

Who's coming to Queensland?
  • the warmth in winter

  • the excitement of a longer track

  • new lap records to be created

  • the friendliness of a bunch of banana benders

QEMSC (Queensland Early Motorcycle Sports Club) has been paying for the ads you may have seen in Old Bike Australia, Just Bikes & programs for BSFoS & PI Classic in order to try & rev up entries for the Qld Historic Championships.
This event is put on by the Motorcycle Sportsmen of Qld. They are not a very historic oriented club but they are the only Club that is sanctioned by the track owners to run racing at Morgan Park, Warwick.

Many interstate riders attended the National Historic Champs at Morgan Park, in Sept 2009 and had a ball. Since then the track has been extended by 800m to 2.9km - so a whole new challenge exists with new Historic lap records to be created!
Roll up, roll up.

Don't be put off by the Sup Regs - it looks like its a Bears meeting with a couple of Historic events chucked in - it's not!
Historic fields will be created dependant on the number of entries for each class.

Sup Regs & Entry form at:

Love to see you there!

OldKwak Posted - 13 Apr 2011 : 07:47:36 AM
Once again Allan is speaking bollocks. Reality is that those who want to run in historics do - try talking to them before opening mouth. The log book stuff is there for a reason. Allan has no credibility and doesn't race. Is a real gunna and this excerpt is just another example.

Don't even start on the FX pro stuff.
conker Posted - 13 Apr 2011 : 06:56:31 AM
Jason log books were obviously introduced in an attempt to ensure some level of authenticity in the machinery raced in historic championships. Generally speaking most of the bikes that race in heritage BEARS would have no trouble getting log books for various historic periods. The simple fact is that at the upcoming championships most of the heritage BEARs bikes will sit in the pits during the historic races. If we want the sport to grow, we should provide some dispensation which would enable them to cross enter. We already have the situation where you must be a member of the BEARs club, if you want to run an historic machine in a BEARs race. The whole situation is becoming more negative, and we even find the BEARs walking away from FX Pro Thunderbike races. I suggest that if MA were actually doing their job, they'd be on top of this!
JasonL Posted - 12 Apr 2011 : 10:34:15 PM

Logbooks are there for a good reason - think about it....

If a bike is eligible then it is not any great impost to get it logbooked.
conker Posted - 12 Apr 2011 : 8:54:49 PM
Jason, the 'log book garbage' is the restriction which prohibits non-log booked bikes from competing in historic races. There will be a lot of BEARS bikes at the championships which could potentially cross-enter, and fill the grids. But the stupid rule will stop that from happening. Go to the meeting, and count the seventies Ducatis, which could run in Period 5 races along with the log booked bikes! It'd be too much trouble to arrange for the BEARS to have exemption - what a load of bull?
Bummers Posted - 12 Apr 2011 : 6:21:32 PM
The Sup regs are out:

JasonL Posted - 11 Apr 2011 : 09:18:25 AM

What's the "log book garbage" exactly, Alan??
conker Posted - 10 Apr 2011 : 07:40:48 AM
Are we all going to complain because the BEARS are involved? I hope they help provide sufficient entries to make the meeting a commercial success! It's great to see them getting involved in historic meetings, perhaps this time they might 'cross-enter', if we can get around the log book garbage?

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