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 Possible new event at Mt Gambier.

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john Posted - 05 Dec 2010 : 10:02:50 PM
We may be able to create a new event at Mt Gambier.
A suggestion has come up to try a few things different.
I list them and seek arguments one way or the other;
- Bracket racing, IE After practise machines are divided along lines of lap times, not capacitites.
Racing may then progress against a range of the same period machines, but you may have a 500 against a 250 because they have similar lap times.
- 6 lappers instead of 4 vlappers with bracket racing
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 08 Jan 2011 : 08:07:53 AM
JasonL Posted - 07 Jan 2011 : 7:38:52 PM


Are you talking about SA P6 bikes in particular?

Either way, no-one was claiming you'd have dozens of P6 bikes queuing up to race, simply that offering the class might top up numbers if needed and help open up options for the latest historic class...none of us know how many P6 bikes will start popping up just yet.

john Posted - 07 Jan 2011 : 07:59:34 AM
But I am surprised that they will not turn up.
They pushed for inclusion somewhere and now its in place they may not attend every opportunity to race. I am not trying to stick it up them, but it was claimed there was no racing for them and yet that does not seem to be the case?
JasonL Posted - 06 Jan 2011 : 7:27:15 PM


My guess is that you'd get about a half dozen SA-based P6 bikes and only a handful if any ex Vic, as Hartwell are running 2 Mac Park rounds this year so no real incentive for them.
john Posted - 05 Jan 2011 : 6:08:55 PM
Just had a thought about P6 at Mt Gambier.
It is only a personal one, but if the HMRAV was running bracket racing, P6 may fit in quite well and if it helps the evnt because not all Vic racers may want to go to Mt Gambier, then it may be worth consideration.
What sort of numbers are there in P6 that would attend Mt Gambier?
GD66 Posted - 21 Dec 2010 : 12:35:41 PM
History would indicate that, apart from Tony Gill, nobody from NSW has ever been over for our state champs. However, we will once again be more than likely putting our hands up for the historic nats in 2013, by which time it should be a fait accompli...
JasonL Posted - 21 Dec 2010 : 11:00:06 AM

Thanks GD, no I have not ridden there before....if some EC guys put a container together again, as per 2008, I might be able to make it!! your comments: I get the picture.
GD66 Posted - 21 Dec 2010 : 01:10:33 AM
Originally posted by JasonL

GD - will you be running P6 at the WA State titles??

We have several P6 proponents in our club, so chances are that by then it will be an accepted and supported class, what with Rule 20 already drawing good numbers. Naturally, we will be continuing to do what we can to get P2 and P3 bikes in particular out of the secrecy of dark garages and out into the sunlight at the race track, but it gets a little harder and a little more discouraging each season : nevertheless, we'll continue to try. To answer your question Jason, P6 will more than likely run, but as at all state title events, it won't be a championship unless the field attracts sufficient entries. It is a two-day event though, so we will run support classes anyway. Have you ridden Barbagallo before ?
john Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 10:00:37 AM
Jason, we are not too sure how the numbers will go at the moment. Currently I am just letting people know waht we are planning so they can attend.
Currently the dis interest in P6 is still prevalent and I dont see a chnage happening.
The modern clubs advise me they are doing something for P6 so I guess the P6 blokes need to keep talking with Preston and Hartwell.
JasonL Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 09:46:59 AM

GD - will you be running P6 at the WA State titles??

John - suggest if you need numbers then open the Mt Gambier meet to P6 aswell (sounds like there was a few at a recent Mallala meeting so they are around in SA)Having said that Hartwell are doing 2 Mac Park meets in 2011 so you may not get many Vic P6 bikes go...
john Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 07:03:17 AM
We are looking at 13 /14 or the weekend prior.
Thanks for the heads up
GD66 Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 12:10:12 AM
If you are still looking at dates John, can you try and not run it on the weekend of August 20/21 ? We have a two-day State historic champs this year on those dates and will be hoping to get a few easterners over.
john Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 3:49:47 PM
My committee is wondering if people could help us run thsi event if we go ahead.
Are there any suggestions please?
Or offers to assist with running it?
Geoffpgrant Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 10:50:27 AM
Show of hands at the club meeting last night suggested that 70% of them were interested in a meeting in mid August. We had the discussion about the weather but general consensus was that you can have good or bad weekends at any time of the year so not really an issue. They liked the idea of trying something different (and I asked anyone with ideas to let me know).
Sidecar #30
NicM Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 10:07:45 AM
I'm in
peen0_0 Posted - 16 Dec 2010 : 08:10:03 AM
We'll give it a go John. Tony. (Sidecar #20)
john Posted - 15 Dec 2010 : 10:56:39 AM
Ok so who would actually enter if we do something?
Can Geoff Grant give me some ideas about sidecar activities there, maybe a Gambier Cup, Squatter of Gambier award etc.
Maybe we could have a lot of fun awards, think about it please and let me know.

If we only get 4 more responses we will not be doing a thing about the evnt so get talking.
Doghouse Dave Posted - 10 Dec 2010 : 11:49:04 PM
Sounds good to me,something different
OldKwak Posted - 10 Dec 2010 : 1:56:24 PM
No might be a bit wet but should be ok
john Posted - 09 Dec 2010 : 12:34:06 PM
Potential date is August at Mt Gambier, is that a problem?
Does it clash with harvesting etc?
Geoffpgrant Posted - 09 Dec 2010 : 12:28:33 PM
Sounds like good fun to me. I might even drag a solo out to play in something like that.
Sidecar #30

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