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 Oil line clips

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peen0_0 Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 10:37:11 AM
Just receieved the new "Manual of Motorcycle Sport" which confirmed the rumour that we in P4 are no longer allowed to use Jubilee/Worm drive clips on high pressure oil lines. I contacted MA for some clarity around what is now allowed so we can comply? They are going to call me back with the info, if it can be found!! (I'll post it here if and when it comes thorugh). Does anyone on here have any ideas of what is compliant in this case?
NB. Don't bother posting whinges about MA and the ruling, I'm just after info to comply - one week out from the Island classic - great timing!
Cheers, Tony.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acotrel Posted - 31 Oct 2013 : 07:14:59 AM
It is amazing that after racing fairly continuously for 12 years, I recently took my Seeley Norton 850 to Winton and started it with the clip on the return oil line loose. So it CAN happen, however I think only to old idiots who don't race often enough. The 'wet sumping' thing is a real pain with Norton twins. After I've stopped using the bike, I always disconnect the inlet oil line from the motor and shove a bolt up it and retighten the clip. I still haven't figured out a safe way to fit a cock to it.
Patrick Posted - 26 Oct 2013 : 10:53:11 PM
Cheers acotrel keep the interest up and the oil supply contained!
acotrel Posted - 25 Oct 2013 : 09:46:46 AM
Forget I asked that question, there are no British bikes left racing in Period 4 or 5 these days and manxes don't have 'high pressure oil lines'.
acotrel Posted - 25 Oct 2013 : 07:10:29 AM
How do you make Pirtek oil lines quickly detachable, so you can stop a motor from 'wet sumping' ?
Patrick Posted - 15 Oct 2013 : 8:08:12 PM

Thanks Bernie, that's exactly what I had in mind when I submitted the rule.

Good rule GD66
Oil is best kept in its original container or when transferred, kept in lines or tanks that are just as secure!
GD66 Posted - 14 Oct 2013 : 8:10:58 PM
Originally posted by Bummers

Originally posted by conker

Drum brakes have crashed a lot more riders than jubilee clips.

Yeah but not because they weren't working!

I've slipped off a couple of times due to oil lines "slipping" off someone else's bike/SIDECAR I've never run over a drum brake!

For my 2 cents worth - I reckon it's the one of the best rules MA have ever introduced for the integrity of machine, safety of riders & less red flag incidents.

Thanks Bernie, that's exactly what I had in mind when I submitted the rule.
Bummers Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 8:13:50 PM
No Alan, I used to run drum brakes set up by Ross Hannan & learnt a little bit when I worked for him.
conker Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 06:20:19 AM
So Bernie, you've never experienced the sheer joy of just lightly touching the front brake at 160 KPH, and getting slung over the handlebars - you haven't lived !
john Posted - 25 Feb 2012 : 07:00:33 AM
I have observed a number of crashes due to oil being sprayed from oil lines that have popped off. Often the quality of the oil line itself was an issue as well.
I agree with Bummers view, a good decision.
Bummers Posted - 24 Feb 2012 : 10:10:41 PM
Originally posted by conker

Drum brakes have crashed a lot more riders than jubilee clips.

Yeah but not because they weren't working!

I've slipped off a couple of times due to oil lines "slipping" off someone else's bike/SIDECAR I've never run over a drum brake!

For my 2 cents worth - I reckon it's the one of the best rules MA have ever introduced for the integrity of machine, safety of riders & less red flag incidents.
conker Posted - 22 Feb 2012 : 12:22:23 PM
On the few occasions that I've written to MA, I have never received an answer or even an acknowledgement that they've received my email or letter.
Alan Posted - 20 Feb 2012 : 8:48:10 PM
Could I suggest that Acotrel contact the Historic Road Race Commission for his answers instead of trying to stir up trouble on here obviously knowing that the Commission is not permitted to respond directly. The Commission would love to respond to the many issues that arise and will do so through the correct channels, there is no need for what happens from time to time on this site.

Alan Sidecar 21 WA
conker Posted - 18 Feb 2012 : 10:43:49 PM
MA need to get their priorities right. Drum brakes have crashed a lot more riders than jubilee clips.
conker Posted - 17 Feb 2012 : 09:15:57 AM
Competitors in any form of road racing should not have to maintain a vigilant watch on MA to avoid this type of stupidity. I'd ask MA who initiated thhe jubilee clips issue, was it a complaint in response to an incident involving injury ?
conker Posted - 17 Feb 2012 : 09:06:35 AM
All occupational health and safety these days is based on risk assessments which are used to produced performance based regulation. What is the risk involved in using jubilee clips on very low pressure oil lines ? What is the history of crashes being caused by the use of jubilee clips ?
littledoug Posted - 15 Feb 2012 : 10:32:23 AM
Standard honda oil lines are not pressure lines all they do is allow oil to flow from the oil tank to the oil pump and return from the scavange pump back to the tank MA are probably trying to stop pressure leaks like lines from the pressure oil pump thrugh a external cooler and back to the pressure system those i believe should be a swaged or reusable (field attachable) type end , another pressure line could be to a remote gauge or sender comon sence when assembeling these lines should be used but i am lead to believe common sence is not allowed in occupational health and safty
peen0_0 Posted - 09 Feb 2012 : 08:30:42 AM
LOL, Oh the indignity of it all, and not even a win! I do know of the clips that you refer to Allan. Unfortunately they don't fit the era for the P4 Honda motor. Not to worry, we will get our lines all swaged with threaded fittings. Makes for easier remove and refit, and will comply. Cheers, Tony.
conker Posted - 09 Feb 2012 : 04:25:20 AM
Those spring clips they used to use on Valiants were good things. I used them on the oil lines on my Triumph years ago. The return line popped off during an Allpowers C grade race at Calder , and brought half the field down. Talk about embarassing, and I didn't even win because of it.
peen0_0 Posted - 07 Feb 2012 : 6:52:02 PM
They weren't interested in the oil line clamps at all. As long as they were secure, they were happy!. Cheers, Tony.
Geoffpgrant Posted - 07 Feb 2012 : 4:12:04 PM
Just curious about what happened on this front at PI?
Sidecar #30
peen0_0 Posted - 24 Jan 2012 : 08:20:16 AM
I'm also lead to understand that those "T" bar clamps are also compliant.
NB. Still no response from MA re compliant clamps. I'll ring them back.

Cheers, Tony.
peen0_0 Posted - 21 Jan 2012 : 3:43:49 PM
Thanks Bummers. Handy to have in the info file. Cheers, Tony.
Bummers Posted - 21 Jan 2012 : 1:45:34 PM
I noticed John Stamnas P/L has DIY fittings for oil fuel brakes etc.
peen0_0 Posted - 21 Jan 2012 : 12:00:14 PM
Answer found (I Hope?)Any of the compression fittings fitted by hydraulic mechanics, as suggested by Geoff and John. MA have still not come goodwith any advice on compliance with the ruling, so I trust that this approach will comply? It is similar to the original fittings on the CB750 motor.

NB. Does anyone have a definition for High Pressure oil lines?

Cheers, Tony.
peen0_0 Posted - 21 Jan 2012 : 08:59:13 AM
Yes, understand and agree Alan. I am not comlaining about the ruling, simply looking for the correct approach to comply. Do you have any suggestions because MA do not as yet!
Re the grace period. I think that you will find it does apply, especially since the ruling has not been supplied to all licensed racers as yet.
Cheers, Tony.
Alan Posted - 20 Jan 2012 : 7:45:07 PM
This is part of the problem that encompasses Historic Racing. If you check back you will find that this issue was in the Commission Minutes from both Commission Meetings last year and was raised by competitors rather than the Commission or MA.
The Minutes are circulated in order to gain input from all interested parties but there is only interest shown after decisions are made based on information and comments provided which in most cases is obviously to late.
As far as I am concerned as an individual if I were the scrutineer if it is in the MOMs there is no grace period unless it is stated in writing somewhere.
peen0_0 Posted - 20 Jan 2012 : 09:52:34 AM
Thanks John. Even the guy at MA that I spoke with hadn't been consulted! We'll get by I'm hoping. He has said that there is a grace period, so hopefully the Scrutineers at the Island will be obliging?
We heard the rumour about the change in scrutineering at the Southern Classic.
Cheers, Tony.
john Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 9:57:41 PM
I have used Enzed service for hoses etc.
Funnily enough your comment is the first I have heard the issue was under consideration.
peen0_0 Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 4:52:20 PM
Hmmm, are those exhaust considered to be High Pressuer Oil lines?
Thanks Geoff, I'll have a look.

NB. Passed through Tailem Bend on the 6th, on our way to Normanville, and noticed a certain bus and trailer parked on the left. Must have been just back from Mac Park per chance?

Cheers, Tony
Geoffpgrant Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 4:11:32 PM
I guess this is an advantage of running a two stroke!!!

But seriously, I would bop along to a Pirtek dealer and peruse their offerings.

Sidecar #30

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