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 Baskerville Sidecar Crash

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bretta Posted - 07 Dec 2011 : 09:50:27 AM
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on Brians condition, hoping that all is good an a very quick recovery.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
peen0_0 Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 08:28:47 AM
Not going to happen this week. Unfortunately work has priority, so I'm told! Will try again next week. Tony.
peen0_0 Posted - 03 Mar 2012 : 3:53:22 PM
I hope to get down and see Brian within the next week or so, work permitting. I'm in Bendigo. He did come down to the Island Classic and called into our shed for a yak. He looked good, and was full of his usual humour! I'll report back ASAP. Cheers, Tony.
Sidecar64 Posted - 28 Feb 2012 : 08:50:44 AM
Hey Guys,
Just wondering if anyone can give us an update on Brian ???
Buck Posted - 22 Jan 2012 : 4:57:28 PM
I have just been in to visit the big fella, well the now 17kg lighter big fella and he does look good. He will be incarcerated at Talbot for the next 3 months with some very heavy rehab, Brian, or should I say William Williams said it is like an 8 hour working day. He has movement in his legs and feet and the hands are working and he is showing a lot of determination. Brian will hopefully be at the Island on Sunday with Paddy at the Classic, in his horsepowered wheel chair, he has a couple of boxes to tick and maybe they will let him out for the day.

He has had a few people visiting and said feel free to drop in on him he enjoys the visits, it's a big deal when you consider that the Boss has been with him since the prang, she has not been home, so if you can drop in on him or ring him he will appreciate it, details to follow.

I won't put his mobile on the site but if you ring he will give it to you if you do not have it or if you do give him a buzz.

He is at "Royal Talbot Rehab Centre" 1 Yarra Blvd, Kew (Melways 45 A 1) Their phone is 9490 7500 and ask for Talbot, he is in the South Spinal Unit.

Visiting Hours are from 11.00am to 8.00pm but ring first as he may be getting tortured, just to make sure he is about.

If you are driving there, it is easier to enter Yarra Blvd from the Chandler Hwy end as the entrance to Talbot is about 400 metres down on the left. When you go into the centre you turn left after the non working boom gate and you will see three benched parking areas. Walk out of those and turn left towards the Othotices and Prosthetices building, as you swing right you will see double glass doors, go through and turn right you will see the prosthetics display cabinate keep that on your left and go straight ahead, you will see the area you have to enter, Spinal Rehab, to your left as it opens up. Just drop in to the staff, you will see the sign.

If you are going, give him a buz to see if he needs and bloke stuff. He is looking fwd to a beer if he gets to the island.



As I said he looks great and told me I could post info for you guys, and he rembers the prang very well.
Buck Posted - 21 Jan 2012 : 5:32:25 PM
Boys back on line, Brian has now gone to rehab in Kew so that is a great thing. If work does not drag me out again, I am hoping to see him pre PI, will pass on everyone's best, I believe a few poeple have been visiting him, I think the Rehab place it called Tallbot? in Kew, but will confirm.


Bummers Posted - 19 Dec 2011 : 11:18:04 PM
No wonder he wouldn't drive my truck back to its depot in Deloraine which he was going to do on his way to the Spirit!
Buck, could you please give him my best wishes, too.

Geoffpgrant Posted - 19 Dec 2011 : 10:21:47 PM
Far out!!! I echo your thoughts and best wishes for Brian - we are all thinking of you.
Sidecar #30
Cookey Posted - 19 Dec 2011 : 10:11:37 PM
Sadly, I can only add the email information I've just received which reads as follows:
"...Came out of a corner a bit wide, corrected, but hit a track bumper (used for trucks) which flipped the bike."
Brian was "revived once at the track and twice at hospital, stabilised and sent to the Austin Hospital, Melbourne.
Injuries are as follows:- 5 broken vertebrae which have since been fused with rods after 7 hours of surgery. All ribs on one side broken. Punctured lung. Broken collarbone and clavicle. Broken nose and cheekbone. Heavily sedated. Tracheoctomy to assist breathing. Can talk a bit. Brain scans are all good. Ventilator off and on as is able to breath on his own sometimes. Will be in a ward for sometime before moving to rehab. Doctors are hoping to avoid a wheelchair given the back injury. Still a lot they don't know..."
It goes without saying, but I'm sure everyone echoes the very best wishes to Brian for his recovery (...hang in there, mate) and sincere thoughts to the family at this incredibly stressful time. Hopefully, Buck can supply a more cheerful posting on Brian's current condition.

Buck Posted - 17 Dec 2011 : 1:03:12 PM
Brian is now on a ward in the Austin which is better news, I am allowed to visit him this week and I will update with his well being, probably go in Monday 19th.

Buck Posted - 13 Dec 2011 : 7:09:48 PM
Brian is still in the Austin, I am just sitting off for when he can have visitors, only family at the moment or with permission of family. I check each day will let you know when we can visit. I don't have anymore info, he was apparently thrown into a barrier off the outfit but that is 2nd hand. Bretta giz a buzz.

Geoffpgrant Posted - 09 Dec 2011 : 4:47:12 PM
What happened?

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