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acotrel Posted - 14 Sep 2017 : 09:14:06 AM
Seems to me the best has come and gone :
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lew Posted - 23 Apr 2018 : 7:27:38 PM
Sunday the 29th of April is the next "come and ride" day at Broadford. I'm hoping I'm not the only old bike on the day. C'mon folks, bring that old bike out and have a ride and have some fun. If you Want to race then just
ride with the "expert" group. Slowish is good, Just do it!!! Camp out the night before, tell lies and have a beer :-) Please don't reply with what a crap track it it if you've never ridden it. Just come along for the ride.
lew Posted - 09 Apr 2018 : 08:09:17 AM
Alan, I'll mention again that it seems that you miss my point about the ride days. They are for people that DON'T hold a race licence yet still want to do some time on the track. If you attend one day(spectating is free)you'll see that it's not a particularly dangerous track. Lets be honest, all racing on any track has the potential for bad things to happen. I raced at Winton 40 odd years ago and crashed several times,I didn't even have time to head for the grass and run off the track.Broadford has plenty of run off space.That's the chance someone takes if they choose to ride on a race track. Again I'll state that it's an opportunity for folks to have a ride without actually needing a licence or a race prepared bike. I'd just like to have a doddle around with OLDER bikes
and mix it with them--I have absolutely no chance keeping up with anyone when I ride a 46 year old 250 single 2 stroke. At least on the HMRAV ride days I can actually keep up with some bikes. Not everyone wants to go flat out racing to enjoy themselves.You also seem to have a problem with MA-MV. Someone needs to issue licences, own a circuit, make rules.I personally don't mind the fact that they own Broadford and I'll mention that nearly every time I attend I notice that there's been work done to improve the facility. Well done MV!!! It's never going to be a state of the art sports complex, but I'm more than happy to spend my money there.It's convenient to where I live,a ride day almost every month and most importantly I have fun on the day.Patrick, good to see another comment at last. This is a fairly quiet forum and I wouldn't mind a bit more input. Finally a ride day on the 29th(a Sunday)so raid the piggy bank,dust off those leathers and bring the old bike out for some FUN-not a race
acotrel Posted - 09 Apr 2018 : 06:31:36 AM
Patrick, If I remember correctly, the kind benefactor from HMRAV offered to pay my entry fee for a race meeting. It was obviously bull. In any case, if he offered to pay my entry fee for the Austin 7 meeting at Winton at the end of May, I would have accepted. That was not the offer. I'd have to think very long and hard before I raced at Broadford. I raced at Mount Gambier in the 1970s - same deal, you knew what the consequences would probably be.
acotrel Posted - 09 Apr 2018 : 06:10:02 AM
Broadford is not as scary as some European circuits - and that is good ? Who owns Broadford and who issues the track licence ? Considering that several black motocross meetings are held using officials who normally work at MA meetings, can we be sure there are no conflicts of interest ? I would point out that many top Australian riders have been killed on European circuits. They were guys whom most of us would not get near in a road race. When I ride at Winton, I know I can crash safely. Can you say the same about Broadford ? There are two riders I know whose opinions about circuits I respect. One of them really likes Broadford, the other is sacred by it. The second guy is older and has raced a lot longer. Who would you expect to be right ? Mount Gambier used to be a dangerous circuit, now it is safer than Broadford - but at what cost in injuries ?
Patrick Posted - 08 Apr 2018 : 11:32:27 PM
Quote from Lew.
If you choose NOT to ride your "Seely 850" that's fine but don't be critical of MA or MV or HMRAV because whether you like it or not they offer motorcyclists the opportunity to enjoy our interests.Broadford ride days are one of those opportunities. Riders with older bikes or even older riders with "modern" bikes should take advantage of these days. THEY ARE FUN DAYS pure and simple. Come and have a ride and enjoy yourselves

Hello Alan,
I can remember that sometime ago you were going on about the cost of going to Broadford from your home base in Winton and a kind benefactor from HMRAV offered to pay your fees for a ride day. Sad that you did not take the offer up as you may have got some cred for rocking up.
Since I retired from Broadford I have been fortunate to see many circuits throughout Europe - let me tell you that Broadford is not as scary as many there. Riders in Europe are very good and read the flaggies well, some are in their seventies and knock out fast laps all day long. Their mates bring them along - look after them during the day and get them home safely. Hope you are well and looking after yourself. Regards
acotrel Posted - 06 Apr 2018 : 06:17:23 AM
I rode at Mount Gambier in the early 70s when the surface was non-skid. It sent a lot of guys to hospital. Broadford is another circuit which was created by motorcyclists. When it was first designed, they were told that if it was built like that, it would be dangerous. AND IT IS. Blind corners are not good. With my bike, it comes on with a rush and gets from point A to B almost instantaneously. If I rode there,I would have to be extremely careful whereas at Winton, I can put my brain in neutral. I will think about Broadford and I might go down there one day just out of interest, but I won't be in a hurry to do it. I know you guys love Broadford because it is owned by MA/MV, but Winton is a far superior circuit. My brother rode an outfit at Broadford and got into the off-camber at the back of the pits. He got a very close look at the fence - found it extremely difficult to get out of there. You can have fun riding around places like that, but going faster makes things a bit different. The same thing applies to Phillip Island. The guys love it because you can get going very fast, but any crash there is horrendous. With Winton, you can always crash safely. Mount Gambier is also very good these days, since they have replaced the non-skid with smooth-top.
lew Posted - 04 Apr 2018 : 8:25:29 PM
WHEN you ride your bike you want value for money.How exactly do you equate that? You mention that you've never ridden there(Broadford) so how can you say you'd not get value? I think you constantly miss my point. It's an opportunity to ride ANY motorcycle without needing log-books or meeting any criteria what so ever. Front on the day,decide what class you wish to enter AND HAVE FUN!!!!! I suspect that you choose to blame MV or MA for not being able to have a ride.(correct me if I'm wrong--maybe mention what race events you've actually ridden in the last 2 years) I'm also a pensioner yet manage to find the money to attend most ride days.Regardless of what your real agenda is, all I'm saying is that if there are any like minded people out there that want to do a few laps(8 sessions)then these ride days is the time to do it. I just would be keen to ride with a few people on older bikes rather than mixing it with "modern" bikes.If you choose NOT to ride your "Seely 850" that's fine but don't be critical of MA or MV or HMRAV because whether you like it or not they offer motorcyclists the opportunity to enjoy our interests.Broadford ride days are one of those opportunities. Riders with older bikes or even older riders with "modern" bikes should take advantage of these days. THEY ARE FUN DAYS pure and simple. Come and have a ride and enjoy yourselves.
acotrel Posted - 04 Apr 2018 : 08:42:05 AM
When I ride my bike, I want value for money because I am very low on funds these days. I'm on a pension and every second week I have three little kids living with me who always seem to want to eat. If I am going to drive to Bradford the total is about $260+ (if I don't eat) - for what ?
What are Hartwell charging for their Seniors' meetings at Broadford and what are their rules ?
acotrel Posted - 04 Apr 2018 : 08:33:18 AM
I'd drive to Mount Gambier for a Seniors' day long before I'd drive to Broadford for an HMRAV event.
lew Posted - 01 Apr 2018 : 10:06:25 AM
I belong to HMRAV and take advantage of their ride days. Not sure what you find w###y about the club as I find the members very friendly. You often mention classes, rules,log-books ,B/S etc, this is the point I'm trying to make. There is no criteria to meet on the ride days, just front up , park your bike in the pits,pay your money and have 8 rides on the day. Oddly you mention Broadford would cost too much when you factor in fuel costs-- Mt Gambier is just a tad further. It's all good tho, keep finding excuses as to why you can't or won't ride your bike and I'll keep doing the "come and ride" days and having fun for anyone interested next one is late April(29)
acotrel Posted - 01 Apr 2018 : 08:44:35 AM
Seems to me that the people who are managing Broadford have the wrong mindset. If you fill motorcycle competition full of rules, nobody will turn up to race. If you think about it, a full MA licence if you only want one ride, does not make sense. Eligibility requirements are not needed if the TYPE of bikes being raced are all the same - year of manufacture is irrelevant when you run graded races. So the whole thing effectively becomes a turn-off. The Seniors' meetings are a step in the right direction, but how many have been run at Broadford and have they become more silly stuff ?
acotrel Posted - 01 Apr 2018 : 08:14:07 AM
The Seniors' meetings interest me. I rode at a couple at Mount Gambier. If you can just turn up on the day and buy a day licence and get to race, that is very attractive. All this log book and eligibility bull**** gets right up my nose. A practice day is OK but it is not really much value for money in comparison with a Seniors' meeting. And you don't have to be old to ride at a Seniors' meeting. Is there a motorcycle club which makes Broadford it's home apart from HMRAV, who are a bunch of ****ers?
acotrel Posted - 01 Apr 2018 : 08:02:46 AM
Damaging the bike is not usually an issue. The cost is an issue. Getting onto a race circuit these days usually costs more than $200. For me, fuel to get to Broadford is about $50 return. If it turns out to be a dud day, it can be money spent for little return. With Broadford, if you haven't got access to a shed, it might be a bit of a bomb-out. My wife has promised me a ride day and I want to do some on-board video. For me Winton is a much better option. When I ride there, I can do it with my brain in neutral - it is very safe.
lew Posted - 31 Mar 2018 : 10:46:56 AM
All things aside, this would have to be the most lively topic currently on the forum. Surely there must be more people wanting to comment on the ride days. I know people are reading it so maybe a few more opinions on these classic ride days. I'd be interested to know why more people don't make use of these ride days. Too expensive,not interested don't want to risk damaging your bike
lew Posted - 31 Mar 2018 : 10:37:16 AM
I understand what you're saying about wanting to race your bike and if you did come on the day I'm sure that if you entered the "fast" group you wouldn't be disappointed--- they take their riding very seriously. I'm just trying to encourage people with older bikes to come out for a ride just to have FUN-- go as fast or slow as they want.I get flogged on the Ossa and the "kids" laugh at it because it's 46 years old and "primitive" but I don't care one tiny bit-- I enjoy riding it
acotrel Posted - 31 Mar 2018 : 08:13:07 AM
I don't care about riding on a race circuit with modern bikes as long as they are the same TYPE of bike. Big four cylinder bikes and two-strokes are not good company for twin cylinder and single cylinder four-stroke bikes. I really love to race my Seeley 850 against air-cooled Ducatis, Guzzis and BMWs. It would give me something to live for. Battle Of The Twins never took off in Australia, but it was good overseas until the water-cooled four valve Ducatis got into it. BEARS was stuffed for the same reason.
lew Posted - 31 Mar 2018 : 07:20:49 AM
If you've never had a ride there then it's time to start saving the pennies for the April ride day. My point is simply to see more old bikes out there on the day. What I like is 8 rides on the day,no race licence or log book needed and 3 different groups to pick from-slow to fast.I agree nearly all the corners are blind and off camber but it's just a case of taking it easy till a person works them out.I'm dreaming but if enough old bikes and senior riders attend maybe MV may even consider classic recreational ride days tho that's very unlikely when one or two older bikes turn up.It would be a great day to see classic solos and side-cars having fun and no "modern" bikes. IF we want change then we need to be seen and not heard--money talks:-)
acotrel Posted - 30 Mar 2018 : 08:06:05 AM
My problem is that I have never raced at Broadford and to me it looks like a dog's breakfast. I know a guy who is very good and he says he really likes it, so it is probably OK. But blind corners don't thrill me much.
lew Posted - 19 Mar 2018 : 06:52:07 AM
Preston MCC conduct "Bracket" Racing. Any type of bike can be ridden providing it's race prepared. Old and new together. Groups of riders are determined by their lap times, not by year of bike or capacity-- just ability. Race licence or just buy the day licence.You do need to be a member of the Preston MCC club($40) and they have a free BBQ at the end of the day.
Broadford ride day saw a 100% increase of old guys on old bikes- an Ossa and a Norton single.
8 rides a day must be more than an open race meeting
acotrel Posted - 14 Mar 2018 : 12:08:03 PM
Are BEARs and Buckets and Seniors still all racing separately to historic bikes ? Seems stupid to me ! A bit more coordination might make sense. What are MA and MV doing for their money these days ?
acotrel Posted - 19 Feb 2018 : 7:43:01 PM
There is a Champions' Ride Day on March 18, 2018. But it will still probably be too hot. - Bit far to come, if you live in Melbourne. For me Wakefield Park is achievable (5 hours) and the accommodation is good there.
lew Posted - 05 Feb 2018 : 08:33:13 AM
Missed the ride day at Broadford due to the heat. Feb 24 is the next "come and ride" day. I don't think it'll be too hot on the day(fingers crossed) and it would be nice to see a few more older bikes on the track.
lew Posted - 01 Feb 2018 : 5:47:40 PM
MV have a facebook site
acotrel Posted - 01 Feb 2018 : 08:52:53 AM
Due to our privacy laws, it is difficult to set up an email list to inform all interested parties. Perhaps MV should operate a Facebook page for Broadford ? Communication cannot be that difficult in this day and age.
acotrel Posted - 22 Jan 2018 : 5:04:34 PM
Champions' Ride Days look better, even though they might cost a bit more. Riding with modern bikes does not worry me. A lot of the kids don't seem to know how to really use them. In the old days, my race bike was 20 years older than most others in B & C Grade races. What I have now is fast enough to do myself a mischief. I'm surprised that the admin at Broadford is not more enterprising. Perhaps it is because we are all broke these days ?
lew Posted - 10 Jan 2018 : 5:12:05 PM
I've been in touch with MV and been told specific classic come and ride days won't be happening. If you have a race licence then you can only ride in the race practice days. Still can ride on the come and ride days however these days are for people that don't have a race licence. You need a recreational licence.
17 days till the ride day:-)
lew Posted - 07 Jan 2018 : 1:30:14 PM
I should mention that with MV and the HMRAV ride days that's 11-12 rides a year. HMRAV the 2 ride days(don't need to be a member)are pre 1990's bikes and sidecars. Maybe persons that want to ride their old bikes could send an email to MV regarding historic/classic bike ride days. If there's enough interest maybe they may consider it:-)
lew Posted - 07 Jan 2018 : 1:01:28 PM
Not sure how to get more old bikes out there other than letting folks on this forum know they happen. MV are fairly low key when it comes to events of any kind at Broadford.Up side of these days is--no race licence,club membership,scrutineering,camp there the night before and a choice of the group you'd like to ride in. Down side is that you're mixing it with "modern bikes" Who knows if there's enough interest MV may even hold a "come and ride" day for old bikes.One can only hope tho it's doubtful it would ever happen.I go to as many as I can and mine is the only "old" bike on the track.
acotrel Posted - 07 Jan 2018 : 11:33:40 AM
Sounds good. The all-up cost for me going to Broadford would be about the same as going to Winton. But how do we get more classic bikes to Broadford to make it interesting ?
lew Posted - 06 Jan 2018 : 3:38:24 PM
Originally posted by acotrel

At the Broadford come & try days , do you have to pay for the shed ? If so, that is a turn-off - it's free at Winton.

The day cost is $180(includes the one day licence) shed space is free.Don't show a race licence as it is a recreational ride day--not a race day. if you need to go fast just enter the expert group and go as fast as you want.

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